Monday, 22 February 2016

Prelim Feedback

Our group created a questionnaire to our target audience of around 30 participants so that we could have a large number of candidates to get enough feedback to see what was positive and negative about it. 
Above is a template of the questionnaire we gave to our participants and we chose these questions as we thought these were best to get accurate feedback so we'd know what improvements needed to be made and what people thought was good about it.  

Question 2 which we believed was a key question was if the audience liked the actor we got to portray Eminem and had to give a reason why and this is key as our prelim is based off him so we want to see if we were able to capture the aspects of Eminem people enjoy. 

Majority of the people who were given the questionnaire did like Jordan's portrayal of Eminem as he resembled Eminem well as they both have similar physical characteristics so we decided to use him for our final piece as well. 7 people still said that Jordan did not suit the role of Eminem as his lip syncing was off and was often caught smiling where Eminem in the video and most his music videos keeps a straight face whilst he raps and we did take this into account but after evaluating the reasons behind peoples like's and dislikes and taken in the majority vote we decided to stick with the same actor to use for our final piece. 

One of our most key questions was question 7 which asks what improvements could be made to our video and this is important as we get a general opinion on our video instead of our own biased opinion. The parts which were most touched upon that we could improve was the timings of the lip syncing, smoothness of the editing to make it flow better and also the lighting on the lift scene. After watching the prelim over we took into account the fact the lip syncing was out of place and had to re-shoot to make it better it was difficult to plan so and because of this we decided to better organize for our final piece to make sure that was filmed properly with significant lip syncing and smooth editing. Also a disadvantage we had with this unlike 'Loose yourself' our actor knew lyrics for 'Loose yourself' unlike 'My Name Is' where he didn't which would explain why the lip syncing. The lighting for the lifts was criticized but consideration our no budget compared to Eminem's big budget music video the lighting from the lifts suited the lights from the Eminem Music video so even though it doesn't match completely due to circumstances I believe suited well but we will learn to use better locations for it. 

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