Above are layouts for our Poster and we conducted a survey to find out what people most preferred and 80% of people said B and 20% of people suggested C where as 0% thought C was the correct choice. After looking at this information we decided to stick with B as we are trying to recreate an Eminem song and Eminem has a very chronological style within his songs and music video's which is a very post modern narrative and poster B fits that style of narrative as the man isn't the main focus of it, the name and title is were as poster C is the main focus which fits with Richard Dyer's theory of the pop star and singer and in a media outlet they are very different where as to the public the name thing were a star is the main focus and is constantly in your face which is very much poster C but also rap music in general where as Eminem likes to subvert this theory as his songs and music videos has a story to it.
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