Sunday, 8 November 2015

Next Step Analysis

Next Step Analysis 
In our next step analysis we have chosen to recreate Eminem's 'Lose yourself' as we have seen this video to be very relevant as based off our questionnaire it matched a lot of the criteria that people wanted to see within a rap music video. 

This music video is set in an urban area and is typically dark lighting, even with shots based in the day time the light is still dark which represents his dark story from 'Zero to Hero' as he achieves what he wanted to do even with the struggles along the way. Also like most rap videos this contains a variety of camera shots and movements that I believe we will be able to recreate and adapt very well and make it our own. Also the costume Eminem wears throughout is slightly different from what you see in most rap videos and in most rap music videos the rap artist is wearing expensive tracksuits along with expensive 'bling' but in this he isn't wearing any cloths that make him stand out.

We have interpreted the song differently and we are going to do it in a party setting as that is very typical of the genre. However though it won't be a typical party themed rap song instead this will show the struggle of a young teenager going through a very tough time in a domestic abusive relationship and decides to go on a drug spree at a party and the music video will slowly show his body not being able to control himself and falling apart and is a message of overcoming and perceiving through the hate and abusive and learning that a drug OD is not the answer. 


A lot of shots within this will be close ups and extreme close ups as we really want a close look at the person deterioration as he takes more and more drugs also a lot of handheld movement so it seems more like we are there with that individual which is very similar to rap music videos as rap typically has a lot of fast pace close ups to match with the speed of rapping. 

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