Genre Research
My music video is of the genre of rap as I feel rap music is very unique as often rap artists meaning behind their songs is what they believe to be wrong with the country and what the government are doing wrong so I felt like it would be a an interesting genre to explore.
This genre normally makes me feel good and upbeat as often the beat behind it is upbeat and as I get into the song more i listen to the lyrics better understanding the artists view point and makes me feel that possibly it is a time for change.
Conventions of Rap:
Rap typically targets younger audiences around late teens to young adults depending on the artist for example with an artist such as Kendrick Lamar being relatively new on the rap scene younger audiences are primarily targeted but with artists such as Ice Cube who has been active since the 80's older audience will be a targeted audience as well as they are accustomed to the style of rap back then.
You will typically find in music videos rappers wearing expensive yet casual clothing such as tracksuits or jersey's.
Rick Altman put genres into 3 different kind of pleasures which were Emotional, Visceral and Intellectual.
Emotional- The emotional pleasures offered to audiences of genre films are particulary significant when they genreate a strong audience response
Rick Altman put genres into 3 different kind of pleasures which were Emotional, Visceral and Intellectual.
Emotional- The emotional pleasures offered to audiences of genre films are particulary significant when they genreate a strong audience response
Visceral- These are 'gut' responses and are defined by how the film's stylistic construction elicits a physical effect upon its audience. This can be a feeling of revulsion, kinetic speed or a 'roller coaster ride'.
Intellectual - Certain film genres such as the thriller offer the pleasure in trying to unravel a mystery or a puzzle. Pleasure is derived from deciphering the plot and forecasting the end or being surprised by the unexpected
I would say with the genre of rap it is much more of a Visceral pleasure and Emotional as rap videos are very stylized and a lot have the themes of party but some have a very dark meaning behind it or has themes of the American dream which is obviously in America an very touching subject which links to everyone and because of the style rap music videos have they are always very eye catchy and make the audiences keep looking and not turn away.
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