Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Codes and Conventions of a Music Poster

The top poster is an album by rap artist Eazy-E "Str8 off tha Steetz of Muthaphuckin Compton" which was released 8 months after Eazy-E's death in 1995 where as the Eminem album Recovery was released in 2010 so there is 15 years difference between them. 

Codes and Conventions of a music poster: 
  • General color code throughout poster through the images and the fonts 
  • Name of album 
  • Artist will often feature on poster 
  • Will often feature release date of album
  • Will name couple of the tracks on the album 
  • Artist will typically be focus point of poster 
Eminem, Recovery: 
With this poster it subverts a typical rap poster as Eminem isn't the focus point of the poster, in fact his whole body is at the edge and doesn't fill up the poster which isn't typical, also it has a very basic style and nothing about it particularly stands out about it expect the 'O' in the album title is replaced with a cross you'd often see on an ambulance in America representing the title 'Recovery' .

Eazy- E, Str8 off Tha Streetz of Muthaphuckin Compton: 
With this poster it is very conventional to a typical rap poster as Eazy-E is the main focus of the poster as he is right in the center of the poster and his costume is also very conventional of the genre as he is wearing a cap with shades and a jacket also the font of the writing are very bold and bright making them stand out immensely. 

There is a 15 year gap between the poster and you see how different they are that the artist in Eminem's poster doesn't focus on him and you can't see what he looks like where as with Eazy-E's he is the main focus point and you can clearly see who it is. This could either represent the artists different ways they want to present their music to the public or even could represent how posters in that genre have developed over the years and that possibly artists aren't considered the main focus point anymore.

Both posters show the titles very clearly and in bold writing showing both artists clearly want the audiences to know the title so they can purchase it. They're both wearing tracksuits which is typical within the genre. 

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