Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Story Board

This is one of our groups storyboards created by Kirsty and Jordan which we will later combined with another to try to make improvements and show the story lien more clearly. These images show in order what is going to be happening throughout our music video and it shows a message of drug abuse as well as domestic violence showing even though we are interpreting the lyrics in a different way we are still presenting a serious message within our music video whilst still also conforming to conventions of the rap genre within a music video as we are referencing drugs and party just in a different way.  

This is the other half of our storyboard which was created by Me and Emily and this is different from the other one as this is dominantly set outside in a park like area which is not very conventional of the rap genres and subverts it in many ways as its not your typical urban setting with multiple people instead is very isolated emphasizing the theme of self reflection and isolation.  

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