Thursday, 21 January 2016

Initial Planning on both Ancillary tasks

Ancillary Planning

Poster plan:
 For the poster like typical rap poster conventions we plan on having our 'star' as the main focus of it as it is about him but also set in a urban area representing the city life rappers commonly talk about within their songs 

As our music video is based off an Eminem song we are basing our poster round a similar design where the rapper is a focus of it but is more isolated using the natural setting to emphasize it instead of using a typical vibrant color scheme that music posters are known for. 

As you see these posters have a very stand out vibrant color scheme with the rappers clearly in focus where ours will not be the same as like Eminem's poster are person won't be the complete focus and we will be using the natural urban setting around him to emphasize the isolation of the star within the poster very similar to Eminem's one, This subverts your typical rap conventions as you can see with the posters above despite being very different have a set color scheme and stand out where as our's will be the opposite as having a basic yet different style will also makes our's stand out more conveying that the album the poster is representing is conveying serious issues. 

DigiPak planning:
For our Digipak we have decided to use a lot of similarities you'd see within the typical Digipak with having a focus on our star whilst also showing the urban area whilst also putting track names on them being very similar to rap digipaks but also very different as our again won't have a striking style that really cut's to the audience.
This one is just a prototype Digipak as I said our star and urban ares are very apparent but again we don't have anything visually striking like even Eminem's recovery Digipak seen below or most rap Digipaks as we have our's containing just images that were taken making it in a way more realistic just like the problems being addressed within the songs. 

This is a template of what our Digipak will end up looking like so instead of a 4 sided one it currently is we are gonna spread it into 6 making the bottom image stretch into 3 side's further emphasizing the star's impact and focus on him.

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Props and Costume

Props and Costumes 
This is a list of the props and costumes we have chosen for our music video.We have chosen these as these will be the most effective in helping us make the music video plus a lot of it help us conform to typical conventions of the rap genre such as a Tracksuit and sugar to represent drugs among other things.

Each prop and costume plays a very vital rule in representing the typical conventions of a rap video for example the sugar is being used to represent drugs more specifically cocaine 
and drugs are very common within the genre but in this case are shown in a bad light as we are saying him doing these class A drugs with no thought about it. 

DigiPak and Poster Feedback


This is our first draft of our Digipak and is a rough design of our Digipak and we designed a questionnaire around it so that we could get proper feedback on what people think about it. 
These are the questions we asked so we could get more of an in depth analysis of what people's opinions of it is and see what we can change and do to make it better and more appealing and also see if we can make it more conventional towards the rap genre. 

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Letter of Permission

Permission Letter
This is our permission letter that we sent off to shady records so they could give us permission to use their song 'Lose Yourself' By Eminem with no fear of copyright for our music video. The Letter is short and straight to the point so they understand our purposes using the song. This shows the necessary information the person needs and sending it via email makes very easy to communicate and receive a response as soon as possible. 

Story Board

This is one of our groups storyboards created by Kirsty and Jordan which we will later combined with another to try to make improvements and show the story lien more clearly. These images show in order what is going to be happening throughout our music video and it shows a message of drug abuse as well as domestic violence showing even though we are interpreting the lyrics in a different way we are still presenting a serious message within our music video whilst still also conforming to conventions of the rap genre within a music video as we are referencing drugs and party just in a different way.  

This is the other half of our storyboard which was created by Me and Emily and this is different from the other one as this is dominantly set outside in a park like area which is not very conventional of the rap genres and subverts it in many ways as its not your typical urban setting with multiple people instead is very isolated emphasizing the theme of self reflection and isolation.  

Friday, 8 January 2016

Next steps analysis

I created this prezi using my college colleague Myron account as it made it easier to access and create.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Music Video Analysis

Music Video analysis for Eminem's 'Lose Yourself' 

This is a music video which was made for the move '8 mile' which also stars Eminem and the film is about a young rapper named Jimmy 'B-Rabbit' Smith struggling with almost every aspect of life you can think of whilst struggling to achieve his dream of making it big in the rap industry and this is expressed within the music video as Eminem raps mostly throughout on top of scenes from the movie in a narrator like form. 

Editing: As the music video is based off highlights from the movie the editing in the music video is very fact pace as you see his struggle from nothing to not the top but where he wants to be and as it is taken from the movie there is also multiple shot reverse shots switching from his face to other people's faces commonly when within the video he is rapping against other people. 

Camera: As the music video consists of scenes and clips from the movie 8 Mile unlike most rap videos it has a very large variety of camera shots but one movement that is very common is the Handheld movement as you notice this throughout most of the music video and this presents a sense of realism as you as a viewer feel like you are there also watching him so it very documentary style as well, this helps present his message even further as you feel like you have more of a personal connection with the character in the music video which is the message of pushing forward to achieve your dreams no matter what struggles you face. However one very common camera shot is a close up which is still conventional of a rap genre as this shows you clearly the expression on their face and the emotion it expresses often showing intensity. Also Medium close ups and Medium long shots are also very common within the music video showing more of the rapper's body expression and movement whether he is fighting or looking after his daughter showing the struggle he is facing trying to be a caring father but finds it difficult to live a normal life. 

Mise-En-Scene: Setting is very key within this music video as it is very dark and even with shots set in the daylight it is very dim and this could imply the message of struggle and perseverance as he is fighting is own darkness to achieve his goals which links with the lighting when he is free style rapping in the shots as he has the spot light in a dark room showing he is making his dream true and apparent.

Costume- Within the music video he is always wearing a tracksuit like clothing with the hoodies and hats but the difference is it is not expensive tracksuit and he is not wearing a large amount of bling or any item that makes him stand out as an individual conveying a message that anyone can make it and everyone suffers through a struggle.

What we decided to take from analyzing this music video in particular is the costume as throughout the video Eminem is wearing a tracksuit but nothing to "Bling" or flashy which is unlike most rap video's as rap artists usually like the attention to be on them so wear the flashiest style's of clothing but in this it is very basic clothing which makes you focus more on the story rather than the artist which links to Richard Dyer's star theory of the pop singer whose the person who actually makes the music rather than the Pop star who is the main image.